Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Seriously, I Love Editing

Editing has begun! 

Editing is my favorite part of making a video, because you get to put all the pieces together to really tell the story. I started by cutting up all our clips and laying down a rough edit. We had some challenges in the initial editing, because some of our shots were not completely stable and some were overexposed. However, I was able to fix most of this in editing by editing the colors, brightness, and contrast and stabilizing each frame of the shots we wanted to appear less shaky. 

Another problem we faced were some continuity errors. While some of our shots in the arrest scene we were able to fix, because we wanted to edit at a quicker pace with quick, hard cuts so we did not the actors to be in the same position each time, some shots in the interrogation were a problem because we didn’t have enough angles to cover up the continuity issues. We needed a few more shots, but two of our actors were away for the start of spring break and were not able to film. We, luckily, were able to refilm part of our video, even though all of our actors were unable to film. My partner, Kaelin, was, so we got some close ups of her to act as inserts. 

We broke the opening into two scenes, with the arrest being a shorter scene and the interrogation being the majority of the video. I’m currently trying to figure out a way to transition between the two, either using a hard cut or a fade. I think the fade might make the video look cheesy, but the hard cut may not signify enough of a transition so I’m going to try both and maybe a few other options and see what works best.

Overall, our video is starting to come together and I’m happy with the outcome, despite any problems we had! Our goal is to be finished with the video by Saturday so we can get it uploaded a day early! 

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