Sunday, March 12, 2017

Research Time!

Today, I’ve been doing a lot of research about dramas to see what we should include in ours and hopefully get some inspiration. Doing an entire day of research has made me want to quit school. However, I know it will help us to develop what we want to do spefically and what will be successful, so I guess I won’t drop out (for now at least.)

My group decided on a drama for several reasons. For one, we all decided it was our favorite genre and thus we’d be passionate about what we’re creating. We also discovered that dramas are not only the most critically acclaimed, but they also make the most money. According to an article on the Business Insider, the top grossing movie of all time is a drama, along with several others in the top ten list.  According to IMDB, the Titanic is the top grossing drama of all time. We decided, despite it’s popularity, that we probably did not want to go a romantic route. Another article revealed that the top grossing movie of 2017 was a drama— Hidden Figures. Hidden Figures was not successful because it focused on love story but rather it told a inspirational true story of three women who broke down gender and race barriers to change the world. This proves that we could tell a story about a character and them doing something influential without having to have a romantic twist. This makes me even more excited to be able to develop our character(s).

I found a great website that gave me subgenres and examples for each one. I research the statistics for examples for each type of subgenre and found that most of them are pretty successful so I’m going to discuss the different options within my group!

I still have more research to do throughout the week and as the planning process truly begins, but I’m pretty happy with what I found today. Stay tuned for more research and to find out if we ever decide on a subgenre!


Schrodt, Paul. "The 10 Biggest Blockbuster Movies of All Time, and How Much They Raked in." Business Insider. Business Insider, 28 Sept. 2016. Web. 12 Mar. 2017.

"Annual Movie Chart - 2017." The Numbers - Where Data and Movies Meet. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2017.

"Top-US-Grossing Drama Feature Films." IMDb., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2017.

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