Sunday, March 26, 2017

Seriously, I'm Fine

So tomorrow, I am leaving to go to California for a week with my television production class to compete at a national competition. Now, I would be more excited, but leaving my group in the middle of our project is giving me more than a little anxiety.

While we have our shot list and script done, we haven’t started filming yet. I always assumed I would be the main camera person and director, but since I’m going to be gone for the first 2 days of filming, that’s a little bit difficult. We have our calendar done & we’ve stuck with it (for the most part) so this was inevitably always coming, but I’m still a little nervous about not being here. We have set up times for me to FaceTime and be a part of filming so I can see what is going on. I also have very reliable group members so that’s extremely reassuring. My main goal while I'm gone is to map out the remaining shots and start to finalize how we want to edit it. I also would like to work on my CCR since that is a single person activity that I do not need my group members to be able to start on. 

At least I’ll be back for the last 2 days of filming and all of editing, so that’s good! I’m good! No really, I’m fine.  

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